Friday, January 2, 2015

Hello 2015!

I am so excited to ring in 2015! The new year is always a fresh start, a new chapter, and a great time to reevaluate your life and set new goals. I, like most of you, like to make resolutions. Mine aren't anything out of the ordinary. Just your standard resolutions, but it does feel good to have aspirations for the new year. I wish I had something more creative and insightful to share with you, but this year I'm sticking to the basics. Here are a few of my goals and resolutions for 2015:

1. Work out more. Obviously. Is anyone not putting this on their list? I make this one yearly. I usually am pretty consistent January through August, but for some reason when school starts back in September I just fizzle out. I'm not even the one in school, but something about that routine just makes it so hard to get my booty to the gym!

2. Eat better. This one goes along with number one, and again, I make this resolution yearly. This past year I actually did rather well. I've cut out fast food for the most part, and soda. My stomach can't even handle those things anymore. So this year I'm going to work on eating more regularly. I sometimes rush out the door in the mornings without eating breakfast, or some days I'm busy and forget to eat lunch. Does that ever happen to you? And let me tell you, if I don't eat, I am not fun to be around. So for my daughter's sake and my husband's sake, I resolve to eat three (healthy?) meals a day, plus snacks.

3. Save money! This may be the most important one! The last couple of years has been rough for the Smith family. The hubs lost his job and was out of work for several months before finding work again. Luckily he is back to work in a job he likes for now, but unfortunately it does not pay as well as his previous jobs. Like, half. Needless to say, that has been quite an adjustment for us, and we're still reeling a little bit. In the past I have kind of thought that if I wasn't saving a substantial amount of money that it wasn't worth it. This year I promise to save, even if it's just a tiny bit. I saw something (probably on pinterest) saying to start out the first week at $1, then add $1 each week after and at the end of the year you'd have $1378.00. So that's the goal!

4. Blog more. I have been MIA for a looong time, and now it's time to get back to it. I don't make a living from this, or really anything at all, but it is still fulfilling to me, and I hope to reach more people this year. It's so great to meet and interact with new people through the blog and my social media accounts. My goal is to blog at least three times a week. I'll do my best!

5. Watch less reality TV. Just kidding, that's not happening! :)

6. Lastly, I will not be so hard on myself for not sticking to these 100%. What has tripped me up in the past is that if I didn't work out 5 days a week, or if I are ice cream for dinner (don't judge), I deemed it a total failure and kind of gave up. This year I will try to have the outlook that any little bit is progress, and that is a success!

I would love to hear your resolutions for 2015, and how you plan to keep them!


To keep up with all things Belle & Grace, follow me on instagram, facebook. pinterest, twitter, etsy, and bloglovin!

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xo, Summer